Sitecore User Group Belarus, 6th Meetup

Минск, 13 Июля

With great pleasure, we announce the 6th Sitecore User Group Meetup.

As usual, we are expecting excellent speakers on Sitecore topics:

Alexei Vershalovich (Managing Director and co-founder at Brimit, Sitecore team Lead and enthusiast) will talk about “Sitecore Path Analyzer for developers and marketers”. Alexei works with Sitecore since 2007 and united Sitecore experts and professionals to provide high-quality services under his supervision, making Brimit a well-known Sitecore development provider worldwide.

Artsem Prashkovich (Senior Sitecore Developer, Team Lead at Brimit) will make an Introduction to Coveo Search for Sitecore developers. Artem is a Sitecore certified developer and ICAgile Certified Professional with extensive technical background and 5+ years of experience.

Martin Miles (Sitecore MVP, Sitecore Consultant @ Freelance, UK)  will join us as well. His topic is to be announced. Martin is well known among Sitecore folks for his blog, posts on StackOverflow / Reddit / Twitter/forums and activities in Sitecore community.

Yury Fedarovich (Sitecore Architect at BrainJocks) and Zoran Babovic (Sitecore Architect at BrainJocks) will make presentation “Honeywell Customers Hit the Jackpot with Sitecore Portal Powered by Coveo Enterprise Search”. Yuri is a certified Sitecore developer and ScrumMaster (CSM) with over 8 years of experience in Sitecore and Web Application development. 

Please RSVP at

and join us this summer Thursday evening for good company, knowledge sharing and of course, pizza and drinks sponsored by Brimit.

Стоимость участия


Место проведения

Минск, ул. фабрициуса 4

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